Miquel Marti
CEO, Barcelona Tech City
Miquel Martí is the CEO of Barcelona Tech City. This is a private non-profit organization open to all Barcelona-based members of the local and global technology ecosystem with the mission of positioning Barcelona as a relevant international tech hub. Representing more than 1000 organizations, it works with entrepreneurs, start-ups, consolidated businesses, investors, incubators, accelerators, company builders, universities, business schools, media enterprises, government agencies and other entities.
Martí is an Industrial Engineer from the Technical University of Catalonia and holds a Master’s in Business Administration from ESADE. Prior to it, he was involved in BIOCAT, the biotechnology cluster of Catalonia as Director of Innovation and Finance and BDEBATE, a joint initiative of BIOCAT with La Caixa Foundation. For five years, He was also Director of the Barcelona headquarters of AIDIT, a venture of the technical universities of Catalonia and Madrid. Previously, Martí was an Executive within the private sector for ten years.
Additionally, he is member of the board of CIT Foundation (Technical University of Catalonia- UPC), board member of Open University of Catalonia (UOC), member of the Advisory Board of UPF Ventures (Pompeu Fabra University – UPF), Advisory Council for the City Promotion, Ambassador of the City brand and also member of advisory board of the Digital Future Society Project, The Coliider, Barcelona Digital Talent (Mobile World Capital Foundation), the Association of IT Professionals of Catalonia and member of the Organizing Committee of the eDelivery fair.